Remember when you had all the time in the world for soft kisses, romantic dinners out, dressing up, and knowing you’ll get lucky?! You know…those sexy vibes of Valentine’s Day? But now…you have a baby. Amidst diaper changes, being touched …
7 Things An Overnight Doula Does…While Parents SLEEP!
Wanna know what happens when we show up as Overnight Doulas? Well, first the MAIN priority is that PARENT’S SLEEP of course! Sleep deprivation can be the root of Postpartum anxiety/depression, extra stress, and tension between the couple. It’s AMAZING …
A Future Nurse Searches for Postpartum Depression Support for Moms in Vancouver, WA
A future nurse strives to help moms with Postpartum Depression in Vancouver, Washington
Practical Strategies for Easing Postpartum Anxiety
When my first client came to me with postpartum anxiety, I was heartbroken. She was so exhausted and overwhelmed, and she was worried that she couldn’t be a good mother to her baby. I could tell that she was feeling …
How Hiring a Postpartum Doula Makes a Dad a Modern-Day Hero
Dear Dads-to-be, Congrats — you’re gonna be a pops, a daddy, a dadd-io! There is so much excitement (nerves too I’m sure), and there are SO many things to think about! I’m sure your to-do list is long. And the …
How to Handle Toxic Family, Baby Visitors & Unsolicited Advice in Your Postpartum
When you come home from the hospital after having a baby, you can feel a lot of things. Feeling uncertain about parenting, worrying about milk supply, and experiencing emotional ups and downs due to hormones can be exhausting. Now enter …
5 Ways a Postpartum Doula Can Improve Your Health
Did you know that hiring a postpartum doula could actually be good for your health? Doulas aren’t just there to attend to baby—they make sure that you’re getting the care the mom and dad need too. Along with education, simple self …
To the Breastfeeding Mom who is Tired, Anxious and Weary
Dear Tired, Anxious or Weary Breastfeeding Mom, Recently, I was asked what was hardest about breastfeeding. I thought and thought about it. I had half a dozen different answers at least! Initially I thought it was for sure the tongue …
The Fog of the Newborn Season
I was pregnant and I was terrified. We were pregnant again straight on the heels of a miscarriage. Hardly anyone knew. I had a very minor bleed one October night and panicked. I’ve never gone from fine to bawling so …
7 Reasons You’re Not Failing as a Mom, Even If It Feels Like It
Whether you’re a new mom, have toddlers running around or a seasoned mom with teens, some days are just tough. It’s easy to get discouraged, especially when we’re tired. Just having kids is usually enough to keep us tired, and …