Virtual Doula

Virtual Doula

What is a virtual doula and how can they support me?

Doulas provide informational, emotional and physical support to a birthing person and their partner. Currently, hospitals are allowing only one support person to attend births.

So what does that mean for families who want that support that only a doula can provide? 

Enter the Virtual Doula! 

  1. We’ll start with the informational support. 

As doulas we offer evidence-based information to our clients as they need it. With a virtual doula, that support is still there and available at your fingertips. Your doula is able to hop on a face-to-face Zoom call and talk you through the benefits, risks, and alternatives to a variety of considerations you may be facing, such as an induction, or to give you breastfeeding tips in real time as you try to latch your fussing newborn. 

2. “Can emotional support really be provided over technology?” 

Doulas provide a safe, judgement-free space for any all emotions you may have during pregnancy, birth and in the immediate postpartum period. We are there to hold space for you, reassure you that all of your feelings (and there will be many!) are valid and give you the opportunity to express them. 

With virtual support we establish a relationship, checking in face-to-face each month. We catch up about life and your pregnancy. By the time you see our face over the screen while you’re in labor we will have formed a bond that will help you to feel comforted and calm as you work to bring your baby earthside. 

“But how will my doula provide physical support when she’s not physically present at my birth?”

Believe me, this was the truly hard one for me to grasp as well! The answer is, your support person, be that your spouse, mother, sister, etc. We will work with you both prenatally to teach comfort techniques from handholding to hip squeezing!

We can’t anticipate everything you may need, so we are also there in labor to witness and give suggestions as needed. We can text your support person helpful information such as pictures of position changes, or talk them through where to apply counter pressure in real-time. 

Virtual or not, doulas provide a much needed service that will help to make your transition to parenthood full of confidence and comfort!

As a virtual doula I can help…

Educate you and your partner prenatally on your birth options. Teach you and your partner coping tools to use during labor.

You understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives to any intervention you may require desire during your birth.

To provide confidence and calmness to the birthing space.

To answer breastfeeding questions and give tips as needed.

Provide consistent prenatal check ins to help you prepare for your birth.

Help to educate your partner on ways they can help to physically support you during your birth.

Answer your questions and listen to your hopes and fears while holding a judgement free space for you to share.

Am available during your entire labor to give suggestions for position changes, to encourage you, to bring calmness and confidence to you and your partner, and to be a sounding board if and when you have unforeseen decisions to make.

Provide postpartum support to help you adjust to life at home with a newborn. I am there to give suggestions if needed and to reassure you as you find your new groove.

As a virtual doula I can help prepare you and your partner for a positive birth experience.

As a virtual doula I support my clients with evidence based information, comfort techniques, relaxation, and confidence in your body’s ability to birth.

Help Moms feel more prepared to give birth.

Help partners feel better prepared to support moms. Offer different position changes to help labor progress.

Make comfort measure suggestions in labor to ease pain.

Give basic reminders in labor that may otherwise get forgotten, i.e using the bathroom, drinking water, etc.

I can help clients by educating, connecting with themselves, their baby, their partner, and myself, while supporting them emotionally.

With virtual education, I can ensure the partner is physically and mentally prepared to help the birthing person while also being that gentle reminder during labor.

I also educate the birthing person so they feel empowered and confident even without my physical presence, but also feel my guidance and support from established connections with video and audio.

As a Virtual Doula, I ensure my clients are feeling confidence and knowledgeable. I bring information and direction when needed. I establish emotional connection so families feel safe and heard during labor.